
Zygmunt Rytka – intermedia artist associated with the Polish neo-avant-garde scene of the 1970s and the independent art scene of the ‘80s. Author of photographic cycles, experimental films and video, as well as installations and objects, the latter after 2000. He collaborated closely with the Mała Gallery in Warsaw, the Wschodnia Gallery and the FF Gallery in Łódź. Co-founder of the In Situ Contemporary Art Foundation. In his work he combined a philosophical and artistic study of nature and human perception with an ironic reflection on contemporary media and politics. At the same time, he provided a fantastic documentation of the art scene of which he was an active participant...

Zygmunt Rytka

The website dedicated to Zygmunt Rytka’s oeuvre is part of a project implemented by the In Situ Contemporary Art Foundation in Sokołowsko and the Foundation for Visual Arts in Krakow. Its objective is to organize, preserve, digitize and promote the works of this outstanding artist, as well as to initiate future projects related to the development of each successive part of the archive and presentation of the available works by means of exhibitions and publications. As part of the project, in 2018–2021 all Zygmunt Rytka’s photographic series as well as his most important documentary photographs were processed. The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Zygmunt Rytka’s archive includes over 40,000 photographs on slides and negatives, nearly 1,000 signed original prints, more than a dozen films, objects, texts and sketches, private albums and a collection of posters, invitations and prints associated with the artistic life of the 1970s, ‘70s and ‘90s. In the space of four years, the project produced a database of almost 11,000 objects available on the website. It consists of the main part – photographs from 1971 to 2011 – as well as selected texts and sketches, private photographs, and documents, most of them previously unpublished.


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